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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

DS_PXDEBUG - DataStage Parallel Debugging Variable

* Controlled with an environment variable, not exposed on GUI.  DS_PXDEBUG set to activate feature (e.g. DS_PXDEBUG=1)
* Warning logged when job run with this debug feature on.
* Debug collected under a new project-level directory "Debugging" on the server. Subdirectories on a per-job basis, named after the job (created as required). For multi-instance jobs jobs run with a non-empty invocation ID, the directory will be "<jobname>.<invocationID>".
* Internally turns on Osh environment variable APT_MSG_FILELINE so that warnings/errors issued by Osh have source filename & linenumber attached.
* Internally turns on Osh environment variable APT_ENGLISH_MESSAGES so that unlocalised copies of PX-originated error / warning messages are issued in addition to the localised copy (where available).

* Internally turns on Osh environment variables APT_PM_PLAYER_TIMING APT_PM_PLAYER_MEMORY APT_RECORD_COUNTS for more reporting from playes
* Places content of jobs RT_SC<jobnum> directory in the debug location (includes job parameter file, Osh script, parent shell script, any osh and compile scripts associated with transformers). These will be in the same characterset as the original files.
* Places content of jobs RT_BP<jobnum>.O directory in the debug location. Includes library file binaries for PX transformers (plus possibly binaries associated with any Server portions of the job).
* Dump of environment varaible values at startup (same as in the log) placed in a named file in the debug location.
* Dump of osh command options placed in a named file in the debug location. Note that this is as issued from the Server wrapper code. Particularly in the case of Windows, it may not represent exactly what is received by the Osh command line, due to the action of the OshWrapper program,  and interpretation of quotes and backslash-escapes.
* Copy of received raw osh output messages in a named file in the debug location. These will typically be in the host characterset, even though on an NLS system Orchestrate will be originating them in UTF8.
* Copy of PX configuration file placed in the debug location. This will be in the same characterset as the original file.
* This new feature collects together and enhances a number of debug features already exposed with other environment variables. In order to minimise code impact risk, the original features will not be removed at this stage.
* The exception is the "dump of raw osh output messages"; it was previously placed in the &COMO& directory. If the old and the new debug options are both enabled, the new one will take precedence and there will not be a copy in &COMO&. Again this decision has been taken to minimise code change.

Contributed by Christ Thornton 2/2/2007

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