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Thursday, September 29, 2022

Golang - Reading multiline input

Since software inception, we always interact with user to ask their input and pass it along to the software to process. Golang provides multiple ways to read input from standard input, there are packages like bufio, ioutil, fmt and many others which are used to accomplish the same ask. 
        When working with standard input (usually it's terminal) we often stumble-upon the scenario where we read which includes the new line as well. In happy world, Input ends when user press Enter but not always. In Golang world, by tweaking input reader logic, we can easily achieve that and that's the topic for today to snippet around. 


go run 36-reading-multiline-user-input.go
Enter Multiline Input: this is line1
> this is line2
> line3
Input is: [this is line1 this is line2 line3]
No of lines in input: 3

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